VICHELIA is a “Made in Japan” brand, the result of exhaustive research and study by experienced master craftsmen.

In recent years, due to advancements in mechanization, products have become mass-produced, mass-consumed objects…
We are not in this business to churn out cheaply manufactured products simply for the sake of pursuing profits. Our brand is created by working directly only with factories which share our commitment to highly skilled craftsmanship, pride, quality, and our unique dedication to details, equal to the world’s top brands. Our desire is to create products that “our customers will want to cherish and feel safe using for a long time.” We endeavor to produce “truly one-of-a-kind, products with value,” filled with the passion, hopes, dedication to quality, and the highest levels of skill of Japanese craftsmen. It is with this spirit that we hope to continue to deliver true and authentic products that will be talked about and passed on to future generations, for the next 10… 20… 100 years.